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Tips and notes

In this section you'll use negations for the first time.
The English no has two main uses:
  • Particle (e.g. "no!"): this translates directly to the Italian no.
  • Determiner (e.g. "no one"): you'll learn the translations for this in a later section.
The English not almost always translates to the Italian non. However, while not often follows the verb it negates or its auxiliary, the Italian non always precedes it.
  • Ciao is used both ways in Italian: when meeting (also salve) and when parting (alsoarrivederci or addio).
  • Buongiorno and buonasera are normally used when meeting, although they can be used when parting as well: the first is used in the first half of the day and the latter in the remaining half.
  • Buonanotte is always used when parting, as it presumes that the day is over (same as "good night").
  • Prego is a courtesy form used in many occasions to accompany a kind action, and it's the customary answer to reply to received thanks.
  • Per favoreper piacere and per cortesia are courtesy forms used when asking for something.

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